Activation Energy and Curing Behavior of Phenolic Adhesives by Thermal Analyzers
Young-Kyu Lee Hyun-Joong Kim
Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea
Evaluation of Shrinkage and Analysis of Factors of Shrinkage
Ji-Won Park Hyun-Woo Chung Seung-Woo Lee Cho-Hee Park Hyun-Joong Kim
Busan, South Korea
Synthesis and Properties of Acid-free Acrylic Pressure Sensitive Adhesive with High Refractive Index
Cho-Hee Park Ji-Won Park Hyun-Joong Kim
Busan, South Korea
Adhesion Property and UV-curing Behavior of Si-modified Acrylic Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Young-Eun Kwon Seung-Woo Lee Won-Bum Jang Ji-Won Park Hyun-Joong Kim
Busan, South Korea
The Patterned PSA film for Releasing Air Bubble
Eun-Suk Park Cho-Hee Park Ji-Won Park Hyun-Joong Kim
Busan, South Korea
Adhesion Performance and Curing Behaviors of Acid-free Acrylic PSAs Using Metal Chelate
Seung-Woo Lee Ji-Won Park Hyun-Joong Kim
Busan, South Korea
Nanocellulose/Conducting Polymer Nanocomposite Films based on Bacterial Cellulose
Byoung-Ho Lee Hyun-Ji Lee Taek-Jun Chung Hyun-Joong Kim
Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
Synthesis of Polyester Resin and Polyester Coatings of Pre-coated Metal for Automotive
Yong-Hee Lee Je-Ik Moon Cho-Hee Park Hyun-Joong Kim
NurnbergMesse, Nurnberh, Germany
High Flexibility and Formability of Linear Polyester Coatings for Automotive Clearcoat
Je-Ik Moon Yong-Hee Lee Hyun-Joong Kim
NurnbergMesse, Nurnberh, Germany
Photopolymeric Acrylate Coatings Incorporating Fluorinated Material
Cho-Hee Park Hyun-Deuk Hwang Yong-Hee Lee Je-Ik Moon Hyun-Joong Kim
NurnbergMesse, Nurnberh, Germany